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Learn the sound, practise blending the word. 

Remember if you need to reinforce last weeks sounds please continue with those.

I have also added a few red words. These are tricky words which you cannot sound out and blend. They are words you have to learn to read and spell.

Group 1          r j v y w        -       run rat jog jet jam yap yes yum web wish sock
Group 2          sh                 -       ship shop shed wish fish dish                            
Group 3      ee                 -       seen need sleep feel green


Red words -    I   the   of   he

                       my you no said

Continue to practise these red words. If your child is confident reading these words please let me know.

Don't forget to access Oxford Owl.


Below is a chart showing the rhyme for each letter. This will help with letter formation. Try and practise letter formation daily concentrating on the letters and words from your group. Remember there are lots for different ways to practise, e.g. pencils, pens, chalk, paint, sand, water



Using these four shapes find objects and place them in the correct column. Count each column and write the total at the top.  Which shape did you find the most of?


The Rainbow Fish had lots of colourful scales but unfortunately at the beginning of the story he didn't have many friends. We have lots of friends in Dosbarth Bedwen. Draw a large Rainbow fish with lots of scales. In each scale draw one of your friends and write their name. Have Fun.

