Welcome to Dosbarth Bedwen Bach
Class of 2019-2020
Working together at home
Over the next few weeks Nursery will continue learning from home. Oxford Owl is a brilliant resource that you can easily access from home. Click on the link below.
You will need to register first by clicking on log in then not registered yet and enter an email and password. When that is done you click on Oxford owl for home and then free ebook library. You can access books by either age, levels or series. There are loads of fantastic books including Oxford Reading Tree and Read Write Inc books we use in school. Thank you parents for your continued support and please e-mail if need any help with this resource.
This week Oaklands Primary School is taking part in Cardiff City FC Foundation’s #BluebirdsFromHome Schools Festival. There will be daily tasks Monday through to Thursday broken down into three parts, one well-being lesson, one either in literacy or numeracy lesson and a physical activity challenge. Friday will be a fun day filled with physical activities as sadly we are all missing out on a Sports day this year. Cardiff City would like to see your pictures share your experiences throughout the week by posting your child’s progress on social media tagging @CCFC_Foundation using the hashtag #BluebirdsFromHome. We would love to see all the family take part so don't forget to send us your pictures and have lots of fun!
It is lovely to see that some of you have sent photos to Miss Phillips, the foundation phase gallery is looking great! Don't forget if you have photos of your work send them to Miss Phillips using her email address Phillipsc74@hwbcymru.net
Also look out on our class page for some fun activities Miss Philips will be planning on a Thursday and Friday under Topic.
Fantastic leaf and Rainbow activities this week
Piper, Luca and Jesse have been working hard each day making many different crafts about our topic.
It has been lovely chatting to you this week. Don't forget to email me pictures of your art and crafts.
Hi everyone. During our RWI sessions in Nursery we have been practising the initial letter sounds. We want the children to read these fluently and effortlessly. They are taught in the following order.
m a s d t I n p g o c k u b f e l h sh r j v y w th z ch qu x ng nk
I will be setting you new sounds weekly.
Please check below each day for your RWI and daily homework tasks. Enjoy and remember you can contact me on
griffithsc673@hwbmail.net if you have any questions.
Fun whilst learning at home
Hi Bedwen Bach. I hope you all had a lovely Easter and I hope your all keeping safe. I will be updating this page every Monday with suggestions of activities you can do at home. The activities will be mostly practical and be related to our topic this term which is, 'If you go down to the woods today'. Please continue reading, practising letter formation and numbers to 10 and but also remember the most important thing is to stay safe and happy.
I hope you enjoy these activities and if you have any questions you can email me on
Finally, if you would like to continue to practise your read,write,inc. There are lots of fun videos for you to take part in while learning your sounds and words.
I look forward to hearing from you all soon
Mrs C Griffiths
Work packs have been made available for all children. I hope you find them beneficial. Can i just remind you of the following websites.
Click on link below to learn your RWI sounds.
All children have been given passwords and usernames for this website. It allows all children to access a variety of fiction and non-fiction books to read.
If you'd like to access links to enhance your child's learning at home you can use free Twinkl resources that are available to all parents. You simply have to create an account and use the code which is CVDTWINKLHELPS.
All children have also been provided with their HWB password and username which they can log onto to access a whole variety of work eg J2E, Microsoft word, powerpoint, EXCEL etc.
Don't forget you can access a wealth of resources on BBC Bitesize KS2, BBC Primary, Topmarks, Brain Pop etc There are lots of very good websites available.
Please stay safe and look after yourselves
See you soon
Welcome to
Down on the Farm
Outdoor Learning
We go out in all weathers to take part in activities which support the children’s learning. Expect your child to get messy! Your child will need a pair of named wellies to keep at Nursery. Please send these in as soon as possible. Thanks
Morning and afternoon Nursery will have PE on a Monday. This will take place in the school hall.
Please supply your child with shorts and t-shirt clearly named in a bag which will be kept in school and sent home each half term. We aim to promote independence, but help will always be available.
Drinks and Snacks
The children have the opportunity to have milk and fruit at the ‘Milk Station’ during the session when they choose. Please ensure the fruit box or piece of fruit is clearly named. Children can bring in a bottle of water. Thank you
Names on clothing
It is really important that all clothing items (including shoes and wellies) are clearly labelled with your child’s name. This will help us in making sure they have the correct items. Thanks
End of Session
If your child is being collected by someone other than you, please can you let us know when you are dropping off your child, thank you.
A homework task will be set for your child every fortnight. The task will be aimed at reinforcing work covered in class. Please return by the following Friday.
We’re here to help. If you have any questions or worries regarding your child please do not hesitate to speak to us, preferably at the end of the session so that we can give you more time.
Thank you, Mrs Griffiths & Mrs Richards.