Bore da pawb 😊
Thursday 14th May
This term our new book is Charlotte’s Web by E.B.White. Please could you try to continue reading the new book, or/and watch the film. You can read the book for free on
Today we’re going to write a description using our senses. Think of a favourite place, it could be a park, the beach, the zoo etc Using your senses can you describe what it smells like? what it tastes like? What it feels like? What it sounds like? And what it looks like? Try to be as descriptive as you can, use lots od adjectives (describing words)
Can you work out these problems, by using what we learned yesterday. If you know your 3 times table you also know your 30 times table. If you know your 5 times table you know your 50 times table and so on….
Now can you work out these problems.
Have a go and just do your best 😊
Here is a fabulous well being calendar. It’s got some amazing ideas of things you can do throughout the entire month. Which ones were your favourites to do?