In the Educational Psychology Service, we are extremely aware of what a difficult and anxiety provoking time this is for everyone. We are also aware of how much advice, guidance and misinformation we are all being bombarded with on a daily basis. We have therefore decided to produce a series of wellbeing packs, that you can save and look through when best suits you. Each pack has a particular focus with regards maintaining wellbeing in the current crisis.
Pack One includes the best information we have found regarding talking to children of different ages and abilities about Covid 19, in order to alleviate their concerns.
Pack Two is information for parents, carers and professionals.
There will of course be some families for whom this information alone is not sufficient and we have therefore established an EPS support line that will be operational from Monday, information for which is attached and can again be shared with your staff to share with parents.
If you are a parent or carer, we hope you will find the web links below useful.