Learn the sound, practise blending the word.
Remember if you need to reinforce last weeks sounds please continue with those.
Group 1 | I n p g o - tip pan gap dig top sit got pin and |
Group 2 | f e l h sh - met set fan fun fat lip log let had log ship |
Group 3 | ch - chin chop chat chip |
Ask an adult to draw lots of webs and write a number from 1-10 on the top. This could be done on paper, card or chalk. I would like you to look at the number and draw the correct amount of spiders on each web.
You could even try numbers 10-11 if ready.
Have a go making this game. You could use scrunched paper for the spiders.
Try to get the spiders out without touching the wool. You can use hands, tweezers, pegs etc