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Today I would like you to answer a question.

Why is it dangerous to be a worm?

You could talk about your ideas or with a little help from your mam or dad you could write them down.



Your child will need support when writing. Remember to use the RWI rhymes.

  • Write the sentence so your child can copy underneath.
  • Write the sentence on a peace of paper for your child to copy from.
  • Those beginning to write independently will need help blending the words.



Think of all your family members. Sort them into big and small. You could draw them or use photographs.

Who is the biggest and who is the smallest?

Mr Moseley is the biggest in my family and Olivia is the smallest!


We are continuing to show our appreciation for all key workers during this difficult time. Below is a t-shirt template that you can decorate to say thank you. Make it bright and colourful and send me a picture. You could decorate one of your old t.shirts too.


