Below are the Read Write Inc sounds and rhymes you have been learning in school.
Green, purple or pink groups - set 2 sounds.
Orange, yellow groups - set 3 sounds.
blue and grey groups - set 3 sounds /high frequency words
I will be setting you new sounds and words every Monday Tuesday and Wednesday.
There are also words to read and spell to match each sound. If you are unsure what sounds you are working on drop me an email on
Check out your daily tasks for your sound of the day.
Read Write Inc. Learn the sound, practise reading and spelling the words.
Children should remember which group of sounds they are learning. If there are any problems don’t hesitate to email me.
Set 2 sound and words | ay - day may say play spray clay tray away |
Set 3 sound and words | ea - neat real clean please dream |
Set 3 sound and words |
revise ea - neat real clean please dream High frequency words: with, are, they |
Can you make up a sentence for each of your words?
All the children have been given Abacus workbooks that are differentiated according to their ability. The content of these books obviously varies. The main focus of these booklets is to understand the mathematical concepts being focussed on, how you choose to do this is up to you. Please start working your way through the booklets and if you have any queries feel free to email me. Due to the wide variation in the workbooks (eg some introduce multiplication, division etc) , I have decided to support maths by giving you a practical example of how you can support your child's understanding of maths through play.