Welcome back to the Autumn Term. The staff in our class are Mrs Cook, class teacher, with Mrs Morgan and Miss Comben who are teaching assistants. Although your child will spent the majority of their day in our class, there are many opportunities throughout the school week for inclusion with the mainstream part of the school. This will differ for each individual child.
Our topic this term is Twinkle Twinkle. This topic has a Science and Technology focus and teaches children about seasonal changes, electricity, light and dark, hibernation, colour and lots more. Our lessons will be differentiated to meet the needs and learning ability of the children in the class.
We will also be working hard on our Read, Write Inc skills each day and some children will be joining mainstream groups. We hope that a new Speech and Language Therapist be be starting in our class soon and I will update you as soon as I have further information.
The cost of a school dinner is £2.50 per day. Please provide a filled water bottle for your child to drink in class each day. We have snack time each morning, when we eat toast with different toppings. We would be grateful for a donation of £3.00 each half term for the cost of snacks.
Your child will integrate with mainstream classes for PE lessons. Please can they have the correct kit. This consists of a pair of shorts and a t-shirt which need to be put in a bag with each item clearly labelled with your child's name. The PE kit will be kept in school and sent home regularly to be washed. Please clearly label all clothing and personal items with your child's name.
Your child will bring home sounds, flashcards or a reading book throughout the year. Please practise regularly at home.
A homework task will be set for your child every fortnight. The task will be aimed at reinforcing work covered in class. One piece of homework will be sent home on a Friday and needs to be returned by the following Friday.
School starts promptly at 9.00am each day, with gates opening at 8.55am. Pupils in our class will leave school at 3.00pm.
We use a home/school book to communicate messages each day but if you have any concerns or questions please feel free to telephone me or call in at the end of the day.
We are looking forward to a great term ahead!