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Read Write Inc.

Learn the sound, practise blending the word. 


Group 1  m a s d t - mad at sad dad sat mat
Group 2       c k u b - bin cat cot can kit mud up cup bad                                                               
Group 3  sh - ship   shop   shot   shin   shut    fish     dish    wish     posh


Below is a chart showing the rhyme for each letter. This will help with letter formation. Try and practise letter formation daily concentrating on the letters and words from your group. Remember there are lots for different ways to practise, e.g. pencils, pens, chalk, paint, sand, water.


This week we will be concentrating on numbers to 10 and also if ready numbers 10-20.

Try making the longest number snake. Start at zero and write numbers to 20 or as far as you can go. Remember to practise the numbers you are unsure of.

( a bucket of water and paintbrush is always fun to use when practising numbers )


Read the story "Walking through the jungle" by Julie Lacome.

Draw the animals in order they appear in the story.


If you could find a nice large space make a "working wall". Display all the lovely work you do for you and your family to look at. I am sure it will look amazing and make you feel proud!





Enjoy and I would love to see your work. Send me a picture smiley