Over the next few weeks some children will be coming into school and some will remain learning from home. We will not be able to give children reading books to take home however we would like you to continue reading with your child. Oxford Owl is a brilliant resource that you can easily access from home. You can access this using the following website address https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/
You will need to register first by clicking on log in then not registered yet and enter an email and password. When that is done you click on Oxford owl for home and then free ebook library. You can access books by either age, levels or series. There are loads of fantastic books including Oxford Reading Tree and Read Write Inc books we use in school. Thank you parents for your continued support!
Please continue to send photos of your work by email to Miss Phillips using her email address Phillipsc74@hwbcymru.net
If you have any questions, feel free to contact me using my email address morganc141@hwbcymru.net
This Wednesday KS2 are will be holding a sports festival with a difference! With us all being at home and away from school at the moment, it has been more difficult than usual to get active. The "Joy of Moving Festival" is aimed at getting us all active and having fun along the way. We would like the foundation phase to join in and get active on Wednesday also, and take some photos/videos that you can send to Miss Phillips to go in our gallery.
While you are staying at home, Mr Dainham would also like you to continue to practise your welsh words, phrases and sentences. There is a link on Dosbarth Collen's page with 30 fun challenges that you can try at home. Send any pictures/videos to Miss Phillips and they will be put into our gallery for Mr Dainham to see.
If you have any photos of your work, it would be lovely to see them. Miss Phillips will be making a picture gallery to share all your lovely work. If you have any photos please email them to Miss Phillips using her email address Phillipsc74@hwbcymru.net
You will find this under "Children" on the home page then "Gallery". We hope you enjoy sharing all your fantastic work across our foundation phase.
Hello to everyone in Dosbarth Onnen. I hope you and your families are all keeping safe and well, and I hope you are enjoying this very special time making lifelong memories together. This is your time to shine …..remember to keep fit and healthy, keep your brains active, stay busy and most importantly remember to laugh and smile every day! Look after those around you and remember that small acts of kindness (sharing a toy, writing a thank you note etc) can make a big difference!
Working from home!
This page will be updated weekly with suggestions for activities that you can do at home to go along side the work already sent out. Your child already has been given a handwriting booklet and a termly abacus booklet in their packs. Working your way through these will be important. Remember to keep working on reading and spelling the high frequency words as this is an essential skill to becoming a confident reader and writer. Our new topic this term is called "Life on the ocean wave".
Finally, if you would like to continue to practise your read,write,inc. There are lots of fun videos for you to take part in while learning your sounds and words.
I look forward to hearing from you all soon. Take care
Mrs Morgan
The children have been given usernames and passwords for their account on the active learn website. It is a great resource that helps them to revise and practice their maths skills that have been taught in class.
The aim is that they play different Maths games and earn themselves rewards. The games will be differentiated and set at your child's level. Could you please encourage your child to play these games on a regular basis.
All children have been given passwords and usernames for this website. It allows all children to access a variety of fiction and non-fiction books to read.
If you'd like to access links to enhance your child's learning at home you can use free Twinkl resources that are available to all parents. You simply have to create an account and use the code which is CVDTWINKLHELPS.
All children have also been provided with their HWB password and username which they can log onto to access a whole variety of work eg J2E, Microsoft word, powerpoint, EXCEL etc.
Don't forget you can access a wealth of resources on BBC Bitesize KS2, BBC Primary, Topmarks, Brain Pop etc There are lots of very good websites available.
Please stay safe and look after yourselves
See you soon
Mrs Morgan