Read Write Inc.
For the next 2 days I would like you to continue working on your sounds, letter formation and reading your green words.
Pick a few letters from the chart below, maybe some you find difficult and practise forming them using the rhymes.
Below are green words you have for home reading too. Pick the word time you are working on and sound out and blend those words. If you are confident with the words you are on you can move onto the next word time.
I would like you to continue writing your numbers to 10 or 20. Below there are some numbers missing can you write them? Maybe you can carry on and write numbers more than 20 have a go.
Click on the link below and listen to the story below The Smartest Giant in Town.
The Giant takes a walk through the town. What do you think the Giant;
when walking through the town.
You can either draw a picture to go with each sense or write a sentence.
The Giant can see _____________
The Giant can smell ______________