Home Page


Croeso i Dosbarth Gwern! Welcome to our school website. Please find below some information to help you with the routines and settling in to the term. This term we will begin with working on Health and Wellbeing, building our class community and learning about keeping ourselves fit and well. We will also be working on Humanities, with a History focus. Keep checking our page for all class and school updates!  

Working alongside me this term will be Miss Hutchinson.

If you have any questions or need to get in touch about anything, please feel free to pop into class or contact me via email.


Mrs Moseley


School Dinners

Due to the Universal Free School meals provision, school dinners are now free for all pupils. 

The dinner menu will be published in the weekly newsletter via the school app.  Choices of hot meal, wraps, rolls or jacket potatoes can be made daily. Pupils who choose not to have school dinners are welcome to bring a packed lunch. We ask that they try to make healthy choices and that no fizzy drinks or glass bottles or cans are included in their lunch. 


Water bottles

Pupils may bring a water bottle to school and keep this with them to stay hydrated throughout the day. We have water fountains for the pupils to refill as they need to throughout the day. 


Fruit Tuck

There is a tuck trolley at break times and Year 3 pupils can buy fruits for 20p an item. Year 2 and 3 pupils can bring fruit to school to enjoy at breaktime.



There will be a homework task every fortnight (on a Friday.) This will need to be returned the following Friday.  

Homework will be sent out via Microsoft Teams.  



Pupils will be given a reading book from our school reading scheme on a Friday, and this should be returned on a Monday.   Please support your child by reading regularly with them and encouraging them to read other materials such as newspapers, magazines or library books. Please can you also write a comment in their yellow home reading books. 


Spelling and Tables

Pupils will be given weekly spellings to learn on a Monday and they will have a test on a Friday.  Please can you help your child to practise these for a few minutes each day. 



PE day will be on a Monday.  Pupils need to wear their PE kits to school e.g. shorts/leggings, a red school polo shirt and trainers. Pupils need to remove all jewellery and watches for these sessions and those with long hair need to tie it up. As the weather gets colder, pupils may choose to wear jogging bottoms and a hoodie for PE.  Please wear PE kit to school.  



Please can I remind you that the school policy is a pair of studs and a watch and all other jewellery should be kept safely at home. 


Thank you. 


