Tomorrow, on Wednesday 6th January, your blended learning will start again with a live lesson from Mrs Summerill starting at 10:30am. You will need to log in to Microsoft Teams using your Hwb email and password to join. Below is a document that includes instructions that will help you to log into your class Microsoft Teams page.
See you all tomorrow!
Hello Dosbarth Gwern,
Welcome back to online learning!! Not the start to the term that we had wished for. But the most important thing is that everyone remains safe and healthy. I will be putting work on our class page daily. If you have any questions, please email me at any time. My email address is
All work can either be done on a word document or on paper. A picture could be taken of your child’s work on paper and then sent to my email address. Or just attach the word document and send it to me.
Please just have a try, and just do what you can 😊
Dosbarth Gwern
Welcome to Dosbarth Gwern. I hope you all had a lovely holiday after a very unusual last few months. This year your class teacher is Mrs Bird.
All children will enter the classroom in the mornings through our classroom door. Please maintain a 2 metre distance at all times whilst on the yard. At the end of each day the children will be dismissed from our classroom onto the school yard.
Children do not need pencil cases etc all equipment will be provided.
Throughout the term work/information will be set online on this page and also on Microsoft ‘ teams’ which can be accessed through your child’s Hwb account.(More information on Hwb will follow).
This term our topic is The Romans and we will also be studying Roald Dahl’s ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’. We will be working on story writing, recounts, instructions and play scripts as part of our English lessons and will be covering a variety of topics in math-number bonds, addition/subtraction, place value, more than/less than, 2,3,5,10 times tables, doubling, halving, clocks and digital time, 3D shapes and their properties, fractions, money and measurement. I would be grateful if you could support your child by regularly practising multiplication tables (starting with the lower tables first) number work up to 100 and telling the time. Children also have access to for a variety of games and worksheets.
Pupils will be given a homework task every fortnight (on a Friday.) They will need to return this by the following Friday (it could be online or in their homework books) All passwords are in their homework books. Please make a copy and keep safely.
Pupils will continue to read Oxford reading tree books and will be heard regularly. Reading books will go home on Fridays. They must be returned on the following Monday. I hope that you will support reading by listening to your child regularly at home and helping them to select other reading material e.g. magazine/library books. Pupils will also have access to the class library, as well as guided reading sessions. Children also have access to where books are available to read and work is set on them.
A piece of fruit can be brought into school. There will be no fruit trolley.
Dinner money
Dinner money is £2.55 per day (£12.75 weekly). Please pay online.
P.E. will be on a Monday and Wednesday. Please can all children wear their P.E. kits-tracksuit bottoms and trainers into school on the days that they have P.E. it will be outside when possible. There will be no changing.
Spelling and times table tests
Every Monday all children will receive spelling words to learn for a test on the Friday. Children will also have a times table test on Friday, starting with the 2 times table.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any further questions or are unsure about anything. My email address is BirdL4@HWBCYMRU.NET
Thank you,