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Dosbarth Collen

We have reached the end of a very difficult term. Thank you to all the parents for your support and for all your hard work over this time, It's been lovely seeing some of you coming back into school. I have enjoyed speaking to you and receiving emails of all your lovely work. This week to end the term we will be doing fun summer activities. Hope you a have a lovely summer break and hopefully we will all be back together in September. 


Over the next few weeks some children will be coming into school and some will remain learning from home. We will not be able to give children reading books to take home however we would like you to continue reading with your child.  Oxford Owl is a brilliant resource that you can easily access from home. Click on the link below.

You will need to register first by clicking on log in then not registered yet and enter an email and password. When that is done you click on Oxford owl for home and then free ebook library. You can access books by either age, levels or series. There are loads of fantastic books including Oxford Reading Tree and Read Write Inc books we use in school. Thank you parents for your continued support!

This week Oaklands Primary School is taking part in Cardiff City FC Foundation’s #BluebirdsFromHome Schools Festival. There will be daily tasks Monday through to Thursday broken down into three parts, one well-being lesson, one either in literacy or numeracy lesson and a physical activity challenge. Friday will be a fun day filled with physical activities as sadly we are all missing out on a Sports day this year. Cardiff City would  like to see your pictures share your experiences throughout the week by posting your child’s progress on social media tagging @CCFC_Foundation using the hashtag #BluebirdsFromHome. We would love to see all the family take part so don't forget to send us your pictures and have lots of fun!

Tracy is now 6 years old. Hope you had a lovely birthday.

Hope everyone has had a lovely half term and are all keeping safe. Well done to everyone who is continuing to do their RWI sounds daily as this is so important for your reading and spelling. I am aware that some of you may be ready to move to next group of sounds and words. If this is the case I have put a picture below of all the set 2 and 3 sounds and words for you to work through in order. If you are unsure of what sounds your child needs to be working on please email me I am still continuing Monday Tuesday and Wednesday with daily RWI sounds if you are not ready to move to the next group. 
Mrs Jones is going to be growing sunflowers next, get your seeds ready!

Happy Birthday to Emilio who is now 6 years old. Hope you had a lovely time!

This Wednesday KS2 are will be holding a sports festival with a difference!  With us all being at home and away from school at the moment, it has been more difficult than usual to get active.  The Joy of Moving Festival is aimed at getting us all active and having fun along the way.  We would like foundation phase to take part by doing any physical activity or games and create a little video to send to us. We look forward to seeing you all and stay safe!
While you are staying at home we would like you to continue practising and learning Welsh words, sentences and phrases. Below is 30 fun challenges that you can try at home. Send us any pictures or activities you have completed and I will forward them onto Mr Dainham. 

Mrs Jones will be growing kidney beans next. You will need:

Glass jar/pots

Kitchen roll/newspaper

Kidney bean seed




Mrs Jones’s cress all grown and she put it in a delicious salad. Send me a picture of the cress you have grown.

Mrs Jones would like you to get some cress seeds ready for Monday’s activity. 
Thank you for sharing your hard work with me this week. Please continue to email your pictures to me and also email them to  Miss Philips will be making a weekly picture gallery to share all your wonderful work. You will find this under, 'Children' on the home page then 'Gallery'. We hope you enjoy sharing all the fantastic work across our foundation stage.


Rosie and Leo would like to share a birthday picture with their friends, they are now 6 years old! Rosie has also lost her first tooth. 

Thank you to all the parents who have been supporting their children doing activities at home this week. It’s been lovely speaking and emailing you and I’ve enjoyed receiving your work. Keep up the good work and stay safe everyone. 


Happy birthday to Oliver Summers who celebrated being 6 a couple of weeks ago.

Below are the Read Write Inc sounds and rhymes you have been learning in school.
Blending or red ditty groups - set 1 sounds.

Green, purple or pink groups - set 2 sounds.    

Orange, yellow, blue and grey groups - set 3 sounds.

I will be setting you new sounds and words every Monday Tuesday and Wednesday. 

There are also words to read and spell to match each sound. If you are unsure what sounds you are working on drop me an email. 

           Check out your daily tasks for your sound of the day. 

To go alongside RWI sounds and words I will be allocating a book and activity on Remember to use your username and passwords to log in. Oxford Owl is also an excellent resource with books of every reading level. Let me know what you are reading at the moment. 


Dosbarth Collen Summer term


Hi everyone hope you have had a lovely Easter break and you are all well and staying safe. I will be updating our class page with fun activities for you to do at home. Our topic this term is Round and Round the Garden.

I will be putting activities and tasks relating to this topic weekly Every Monday. Please continue reading, practising letter formation, sentence work and numbers. There are lots of useful sites to support your learning so please use the links below. 


Week beginning 20.04.20

Click on link below to learn your RWI sounds. There are lots of fun videos for you to take part in while learning your sounds and words.


Click on link below and put in your usernames and passwords to access the books and activity I’ve allocated for you.


Click on link below enter your username and password to access maths games. This week we are focusing on 1 or 10 more/less. Make it fun and play lots of games.


Click on link below for fun creative daily activities to do with your child.


  • This week go and look for as many different flowers, plants and trees you can find either on a walk or in your garden. Make a list, draw pictures or take photos. Have fun in the Sun ☀️ while keeping safe. 
  • Use natural materials, leaves, stones and sticks to make a picture. 
  • Draw and label parts of a flower or tree. 
  • ​​​​​​​Draw your favourite plant, tree or flower using different materials. Use chalks, paint crayons or drawing  package on your computers. 

Remember if you have any problems accessing websites or logging into your accounts you can write me a message on our teams page. Quick reminder below on how to do it. 

  1. Login to your hwb account.
  2. Click on Office365.
  3. Click on Teams.
  4. You will see a group named after your class, click on it.


Also you can email me on 

Look forward to hearing from you all soon.

Mrs Hughes 👍



Education at Home


Work packs have been made available for all children. I hope you find them beneficial. Can I just remind you of the following websites.

The children have been given usernames and passwords for their account on the active learn website. It is a great resource that helps them to revise and practice their maths skills that have been taught in class.

The aim is that they play different Maths games and earn themselves rewards. The games will be differentiated and set at your child's level. Could you please encourage your child to play these games on a regular basis.

All children have been given passwords and usernames for this website. It allows all children to access a variety of fiction and non-fiction books to read. 


If you'd like to access links to enhance your child's learning at home you can use free Twinkl resources that are available to all parents. You simply have to create an account and use the code which is CVDTWINKLHELPS.


All children have also been provided with their HWB password and username which they can log onto to access a whole variety of work eg J2E, Microsoft word, powerpoint, EXCEL etc.


Don't forget you can access a wealth of resources on BBC Bitesize KS2, BBC Primary, Topmarks, Brain Pop etc There are lots of very good websites available.



Please stay safe and look after yourselves

See you soon 

Mrs Hughes

Word time 1 (assisted blending)

Still image for this video
Help your child practise Word Time 1 by following this simple video. Happy blending! ☺️