Friday 2nd October
Today is our Big Maths Day when we all do out big maths tests. The first test is timed Level 1 -20 seconds and Level 2-30 seconds.
For the second page the children can spend as long as they want on it.
The test is to be done with no help. But once the test is finished you can then go over any mistakes with your child.
The children know if they are level 1 or 2.
Good luck.
Level 1 timed 20 seconds
Below level 2 timed 30 seconds
Level 1 (untimed)
Level 2 (untimed)
Today I would like all children to write 8 sentences about Autumn. You can discuss what Autumn means to them eg change in weather, temperature, we wear different clothes, Halloween, Bonfire Night etc Remembering to start each sentence with a capital letter, end with a full stop. And today try to include some adjectives, describing words. Instead of
I saw a tree from my window… I saw a tall, green, leafy tree from my window.
Topic-Art This afternoon we are going to be drawing a self portrait. Below are some tips to help you. Please send me your pictures so we can put them into a gallery when we are back in school. Happy drawing
Hope everyone has a lovely weekend :)