Using your poster from yesterday, can you create different sentences using the synonyms for the word "said"? Eg, "It's not fair, I'm so angry" screamed Jane. Don't worry about speech marks for now, for today the focus is on using synonyms to make our writing more lively and interesting by using a range of vocabulary.
Practise estimating ( making a sensible guess) the length of small objects in cm. Measure the object to see how near you were. Get an adult to ask you some questions comparing the objects you have measured, eg which is the longest?, which is the shortest?, how much longer is the book than the pencil? , if I had a pencil that was double this length, how long would that pencil be? etc.
Staying fit is important and good for your well being. Your task today is to complete an eight minute workout. Below is an example of one, but if you would like to design your own then feel free to do so. Keep fit everyone!