Hi everyone,
Hope you all had a great weekend. I will continue to post some work for us all to have a go at. Please just do what you can either on hwb-teams (word document) or on paper and then email it to me.
Any problems please do not hesitate to contact me on birdl4@hwbmail.net
Monday 29th June
This term we have been reading 'The Hodgeheg' by Dick King-Smith. The book is available to read on the link below
Spelling words
Please put these words into sentences, using correct punctuation (capital letters to start a sentence, for names and places etc full stops, ask questions using a question mark? you could use speech marks with ‘’ …’’ said ____ )
Group 1- bird girl twirl dirt third whirl
Group 2- bad lad pad dad had mad
Group 3- pure sure cure picture mixture fixture
Group 4- mixture fixture nature capture picture culture
Group 5- words with a zhuh sound but spelt sure
Measure closure treasure exposure leisure pleasure
(Remember to learn the words for a test at home on Friday)
Continuing with looking at negative numbers, if you need to look back at last week’s work to help you. Can you draw a thermometer from 20 down to - 20. It will help you to answer the following questions.
Today I would like you to design a t-shirt all about lockdown. I want it to show me what you have done throughout lockdown. You can write on it, draw pictures, add photos etc