Below are 5 sentences from the story. Copy the sentences and put in the capital letters and full stop. Remember to use capital letters for names.
1. mum wrote a list and they went to the shop
2. mum showed eddie how to put the pea seeds in
3. every day eddie and lily looked
4. soon all the seeds were sprouting
5. eddie, lily and mum went out into the garden.
Challenge can you write all the letters of the alphabet in lower case and capital letters?
a A
b B
c C
Hope you have fun his week with your containers and water. Recap on some of the activities and try the challenge below.
Wizard William and Witch Winifred are mixing potions. Can you help find all the possibilities for their recipes?
1. Wizard William can use any 2 ingredients. His potion needs to measure exactly 10ml. Which ingredients could he use?
2. Witch Winifred has to use more than 2 ingredients. Her potion also needs to measure exactly 10ml. Which ingredients could she use?
Keeping fit and healthy is important. Today I would like you to complete the 8 minute workout below. Have fun get everyone involved in your home and make up some of your own exercises.
Mrs Jones has been asking about you all and she hopes you are all well and staying safe. If possible she would like you to get a packet of cress seeds ready for next weeks activities. Mrs Jones is preparing a video to show you all how to grow cress. So look out for it next week. Hope you all have a lovely weekend remember to email me your lovely work you’ve been doing .