Read Write Inc.
Well done this week for working hard on your letter formation, sounds and words. Today I would like you to continue with this weeks activities and practising sounding out and blending your green words. Below I have put a fun game for you to play at home which will help you with your reading and spelling.
You have been working hard this week on forming, recognising and counting. Today I would like you to fill in what number come next. You can use the example below or ask an adult to do some for you. Remember you can just do numbers to 5 or 10. If you find this easy you can move onto numbers to 20 and beyond.
Thank you all for working hard this week. I would like to end the week with a nice family activity.
Special object:
As a family, each find an object or possession in your home that is special to you and think about what makes it important to you. Share together