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Bore da pawb 😊


Thursday 2nd July



Today we are going to visit (if anyone has lost their passwords please contact me on

When you log on, in your library you need to find:


Green and Blue groups- ‘Aliens’ you need to read the book, it is quite long with lots of information. Can you film yourself giving a quick recap on what you have learned from the book, the main and most important facts.


Yellow and Red groups- ‘A hooting dinosaur’ you need to read the book. Could you film yourself reading some on it and share it with us.




Today we are carrying on with addition, but we are going to use a different method called the column method. All that means is we set out the sum in a different way, that makes it more clearer what we have to add.


Now try to work out these sums using the column method



Can you draw a map of Wales. Marking down the seas, major rivers, 6 cities and major towns. You could also draw major landmarks or attractions eg Snowdonia, Brecon Beacons, St Fagans, Cardiff Bay etc. You could draw yours on a larger piece of paper. Remember to colour in the land and sea.


