There are 2 days learning below to keep you going for Monday and Tuesday and I look forward to seeing you all back in school on Wednesday 7th October.
Hi Dosbarth Collen,
Welcome back to online learning! Not the start of term we were hoping for but the most important thing is everyone remains safe and healthy. I will be putting activities on this page daily, please dip in and out when possible. If you have any questions please email anytime. My email address is
Welcome to Dosbarth Collen, lovely to see everyone back in school.
Our topic in class this term is Out and About! We will be exploring our local community, learning about transport old and new, houses and homes, jobs and people who help us.
This term in Literacy, your child will be working on Read, Write Inc sounds and letters, letter formation and developing their writing through lists and sentences.
This term we will be working on counting and working with numbers to 10/20 including reading, forming, counting on and back in 1s, doubling and 2d shapes.
Your child will bring a new reading book/ words/sounds home on their reading day and will keep it for a week and return it to school on their reading day.
A homework task will be set for your child every fortnight. The task set will be aimed at reinforcing work covered in class. More information about this will be inside your child’s learn about book. Some homework will also be online, passwords and information will be sent out.
Your child’s PE day will be on a Wednesday. Please ensure they wear their kit to school, our sessions will take place outside so can they wear jogging bottoms, t-shirt and suitable footwear (trainers or daps).
Your child can bring fruit in for break time. Please make sure it is in a suitable container marked with their name. Children are also welcome to bring a bottle of water again labelled with their name.
Outdoor learning
We will have lots of opportunities to do fun learning and activities outdoors in all weathers make sure your child comes into school with a suitable coat.
If you have any worries or questions please don't hesitate to speak to us or email on
Thank you
Mrs Hughes Miss Phillips & Mrs Davies