Tuesday 9th June
Hope all went ok yesterday. Just remember do what you can 😊
Today we are going to write a letter to someone we are missing. To someone we can’t see yet, but would love to. We need to set the letter out correctly and then write asking how they are? Explain why you are missing them, what would be the first thing you will do together, you could ask them are they missing you? What are they getting up to? etc
You could then send the letter to them.
This term we are going to be reading 'The Hodgeheg' by Dick King-Smith. The book is available to read on the link below (I have borrowed it from the online library until 11th June please read it)
Today we are going to practise our times tables by playing a variety of games. If we go onto topmarks.co.uk
https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/5-7-years/times-tables then choose a game
or for harder games
https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/7-11-years/times-tables and then choose a game.