Home Page

Dosbarth Derw

Shwmae pawb!

Hope that everyone is doing well, in these unusual times it has been lovely to see all your work in Teams.  It would be lovely to see what you've been up to at home to keep busy so send some pictures using Twitter @oaklandsprimary or email me!

Stay safe and take care, 

Miss Whitney smiley

Click the links below to access your daily work.  

1. Save your work with your own name. 

2. Complete your task. 

3. Upload to the files section on Teams. 


Any problems, send a message in Posts on Teams or send an email through outlook on Hwb  smiley

Oxford Owl

Still image for this video
Online library of books for you to read for pleasure. Enjoy! Watch the video to learn how to log in.

How to post your work in Teams

How to access Teams and Email online

Children's Access to Microsoft Teams "How To".

Can all pupils please remember to log on to their Hwb accounts and the Microsoft Team page to receive daily updates and tasks to complete.  I will be looking forward to continuing our learning at home and checking in with you all to see how we are all getting on.  Use the short "how to" posted above to make sure you can get logged on to join in the fun!

Education at Home


Work packs have been made available for all children. Alongside these activities your children can also work on reading a variety of different books, reference books, magazines etc. Learning their times tables, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division sums and problems. Children can keep a diary recording each day events. Researching a person, country or animal and creating a scrap book, ibook (using book creator on an ipad) a pic collage etc. Handwriting practise ensuring correct letter formation and good presentation.

The children have been given usernames and passwords for their account on the active learn website. It is a great resource that helps them to revise and practice their maths skills that have been taught in class.

The aim is that they play different Maths games and earn themselves rewards. The games will be differentiated and set at your child's level. Could you please encourage your child to play these games on a regular basis.

All children have been given passwords and usernames for this website. It allows all children to access a variety of fiction and non-fiction books to read. It then allows the children's knowledge and understanding of the text to be enhanced through a variety of questions.


If you'd like to access links to enhance your child's learning at home you can use free Twinkl resources that are available to all parents. You simply have to create an account and use the code which is CVDTWINKLHELPS.


All children have also been provided with their HWB password and username which they can log onto to access a whole variety of work eg J2E, Microsoft word, powerpoint, EXCEL etc.


Don't forget you can access a wealth of resources on BBC Bitesize KS2, BBC Primary, Topmarks, Brain Pop etc There are lots of very good websites available. 

 Croeso i Dosbarth Derw 


Welcome to Year 6 at Oaklands Primary School.  


We will be taking part in the Shakespeare for Schools project and performing Macbeth, going on a residential, welcoming visitors, taking class trips and generally working hard and and having lots of fun during our last year at primary school. 


As year 6 pupils we will be striving to set an excellent example to the rest of the school community by being amazing ambassadors for our school, being trustworthy, respectful and caring.  



Important information



Reading books should be returned on Monday each week. 



Dinner Money is £2.50 per day or £12.50 a week. Could your child please bring their money in an envelope, clearly marked with their name. Thank you.



The children will continue to have recorder lessons. Your child may bring a recorder and keep it in school.  Please can you make sure that the recorder is marked with your child's name.  



P.E. - Please could you ensure that your child brings a suitable P.E. Kit to school (shorts, t-shirt and a pair of trainers in a bag). Also, all jewellery should be removed for this sessions.  Thank you


Homework- will be given out on a Friday and is to be returned the following Friday. You are more than welcome to sit with your child and help them/discuss their homework. For more information, see the homework letter inside the front cover of your child's homework book. 


Spelling Test - The children will be given a spelling list on a Friday to learn at home (based on a spelling 'sound' that we will be working on in class the following week). They will be tested on the sound the following Friday.


Times Tables Test - The children will be working on a different table each week and they will be tested on that particular table on a Friday. Could you please encourage your child to learn all of their multiplication tables. 




A piece of fruit from the tuck trolley costs 20p-30p          



This term we will be working on our performance of Macbeth and this will include character studies, playscript writing and biographical research and writing.  We will also be working on news reports and interviews linked with our topic. We will continue to work on our reading comprehension skills during group guided reading sessions, spelling and handwriting. 




This term we will be focusing on: All areas of number: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, working with decimals, co-ordinates and geometry. Alongside this, the children will carry out a problem solving activity every fortnight and continue with their weekly CLIC sessions and Big Maths tests.  There will be a times table test every Friday.



Active Learn

The children have been given usernames and passwords for their account on the active learn website. It is a great resource that helps them to revise and practice their maths skills that have been taught in class.

The aim is that they play different Maths games and earn themselves rewards. The games will be differentiated and set at your child's level. Could you please encourage your child to play these games on a regular basis.

If any of the children have trouble in logging on, then please let me know. Any child who does not have access to the internet at home, will be more than welcome to use the school computers.



Our Science topic this term is Materials. We will be looking at various materials, natural and man-made, the properties and uses of different materials and their impact on the environment.  


We will carry out investigations and will be encouraging the children to become more independent when planning and carrying out their experiments.


