We currently have a school governor vacancy at our school we are looking for parents who are interested in this role.
A parent governor is a person with parental responsibility for a pupil attending the school. The role of governor is an important one, governing bodies are responsible for a variety of functions connected with the effective running of the school, including curriculum, budgeting and staffing matters. You will be supported in these duties by other experienced members of the governing body, the headteacher and the Governor Support Officer.
The Authority will provide relevant support and information. Training is provided free of charge. The governing body works together as a group attending a minimum of three meetings per year. If elected you will serve for a period of four years. If your child leaves the school during this time you do not have to stand down. Should you wish to end your governorship at any time you may do so by giving written notice.
To apply please print out and completed the nomination form below and return to the school office, alternatively if you are unable to print at home the school office can provide you with a paper copy to complete.