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Read Write Inc. Learn the sound, practise reading and spelling the words. 
Children should remember which group of sounds they are learning. If there are any problems don’t hesitate to email me. 

Please note the second and third group have now completed all the read write inc words. You will now be given high frequency words/ prefix words/ suffix words etc to learn. The groups have been merged into one now. 

Set 3 sound and words   oy  toy  boy  enjoy
Words  better  letter  longer  shorter  taller  water  cleaner

Can you make up a sentence for each of your words?


The outer part of the dart board requires you to write the double for the number on the inner part. For some of these you will need to partition the number first to make the doubling easier. 


Your topic work for the next three days (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday) is to create a shoebox of artefacts about Tenby. You need to research, brainstorm and make a list of things you would see in Tenby and think of things you could make to represent these. You then need to use junk to model and make these artefacts, in order to put together a collection of artefacts in a box. 
