Read Write Inc.
Learn the sound, practise blending the word.
Group 1 | m a s d t - mad at sad dad sat mat |
Group 2 | c k u b - bin cat cot can kit mud up cup bad |
Group 3 | sh - ship shop shot shin shut fish dish wish posh |
Make number flashcards 1-10 / 10-20. Ask a family member to hide them around the house or garden. Have lots of fun finding them and then try to put them in the correct order. You could make a washing line and peg the numbers up or simply order them on the floor. ( Keep your flashcards we will be using them tomorrow )
Correct formation is very important when practising your numbers. The cards below will help.
Read the story "Walking through the Jungle" by Julie Lacome.
Think about the characters in the story. Can you move and make noises like all the animals? Ask a family member to record you on the ipad. If you have a brother, sister or another family member you could play the game, Guess the animal. Remember to use that big voice to Roar like a lion!
Mams and Dads
Over the next week could you please keep some of your recycling, e.g. kitchen rolls. yogurt pots, boxes, tubs, pots.
There will be lots of craft activities coming over the next few weeks and recycled items make great free materials to use. Thank you