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Read Write Inc. Learn the sound, practise reading and spelling the words. 

 I am also going to be putting in daily red words (tricky words which you can’t sound out and blend) for you to learn to read and spell. 

Set 1 sound and words 

Recap on qu - quit     quick  

Recap on ch - chin     chop     chat                      
Recap on red words reading and spelling - all   want    some

Set 2 sound and words   

Recap on ou - round  shout  out  found   mouth

Recap on oy - enjoy     toy     boy 

Red words all     want     some                                                                                 

Set 3 sound and words 

Recap on ee - see   three   green   ea - scream   clean   dream

Red words - where    love    talk

Can you put the words into a sentence?


We are learning to partition out numbers into tens and ones. Below is a fun game you can play at home with your lego or bricks. Roll 2 dice one will represent the tens and another will represent the ones. Make them with your lego or draw them with towers (10 blocks) for the tens then single blocks for the ones and write down the numbers by the side. 


Todays task is to pick a leaf and write words to describe it. Look at the shape, feeling, colour etc. Have a try at writing the words independently. Remember to use your RWI sounds to help you. 
