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SJB Transition Information

St John Baptist CiW High School Transition Film 2020

An introduction to St John Baptist (CiW) High School, Aberdare, for Year 6 Pupils, 2020

Our twitter handle is @StJohnsAberdare,and you will find many of our departments and teams have twitter accounts,some of which you may be already following.


As some parents may ask,the Head of Year for the new Year 7 will be Mrs Sarah Long,our ALNCo is Mrs Karen Macdonald,our CLA key worker is Miss Cloe French,our Pastoral and Learning Support Officers are Mrs Tracy Honeyfield and Mrs Kimberley Stephens,and our Attendance Officer is Mrs Jan Bezani


They can be reached on the following emails should you or one of your families wish to contact them,these details will also be on the letters that will be going out to them shortly.


Mrs Long - Head of Year - - Twitter -  @mrslong_sjb

Mrs Bezani - Attendance and Wellbeing Officer - 

Miss French - CLA Key Worker/ELSA -

Mrs Honeyfield - ELSA -

Mrs Stephens - Skills Support -

Mrs Macdonald - ALNCo - - Twitter - @​MrsMacStJohns


In addition,our suppliers for uniform are as follows :



3 Canon St

Aberdare CF44 7AT

01685 881500




Uniform 2 Go

Unit 4 New Street

Bridgend Industrial Estate

CF31 3UD

01656 655122

email -
