Stranger Danger - Advice for Parents and Carers
It’s always a good idea for parents / carers to talk to their children about Stranger Danger. We discuss this regularly in school but it helps for the message to be reinforced at home.
Whilst incidents involving children may be rare, they are understandably every parent/carer’s worst nightmare. Making sure children are aware of the dangers that strangers can present without scaring them is a fine balancing act. If children are to spend any time at all out of sight, teaching them about 'Stranger Danger' may give some peace of mind.
Teaching Children about Stranger Danger
Basic Stranger Danger rules include to NEVER:
Safe People and Places
Stranger Danger is not just about teaching children who or what to avoid but also includes
positive rules so that children know how to keep themselves safe.
For example:
We work closely with our local police who support us in addressing specific issues with the children, as and when they are brought to our attention. If you or your child have any concerns or see any suspicious behaviour, please contact the police on their non-emergency number 101 and ask for South Wales Police Force.
Our main priority at Oaklands Primary School is to keep our children safe and we can achieve this by working together with parents / carers and professional organisations.