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SHRN Student Health and Well-being Survey













At Oaklands, we will be taking part in the SHRN Student Health and Well-being Survey this autumn term. The survey is being managed by IPSOS, on behalf of Cardiff University, and is completed online with support from a member of school staff. 


Learners in year groups 3-6 will be invited to take part. Participation is voluntary, and learners’ answers are confidential and anonymous. This means we do not collect any identifiable information and therefore cannot disclose individual’s answers to school staff or parent/carers. 


What is involved? 


During class, your child will be asked to take part in a brief online survey, which will take about 20 minutes on average. It will ask some general questions about themselves, their feelings, what they think about school, and behaviours which can affect children’s health (e.g. physical activity, sleep, screentime etc).


Further information is attached to this link, please let us know only if you would NOT like your child to take part. 

Many thanks, 


Mrs Moseley and Miss Whitney 

