Dosbarth Helyg have been working hard to start the new term. We explored Aberaman to find out if there were any litter hot spots. Unfortunately, we found a few. So, we wrote emails to St Elvan's church in Aberdare which is a Keep Wales Tidy Litter Hub and asked to borrow some litter picking equipment to head off out on a clear up. Some children even brought their own litter pickers from home! We managed to gather up 11 sacks of rubbish that had been thrown on the street, left in the lanes or blown into the trees. We hope that we have inspired our community to look after our world a little bit more and we will be getting in touch with the local council next to try and persuade them to get some more bins! Watch this space!
Thank you the parents who helped us, St. Elvan's Church and Tyler Whitney Photography for supporting our litter pick!
If you are interested in helping out further, there is a local litter pick at Cwmbach Community Wetlands every Sunday and you can contact the group here.